Monday, March 10, 2008

Animal Emotions Questions

Ask the experimenters why they experiment on
animals, and the answer is: "Because the animals
are like us." Ask the experimenters why it is
morally okay to experiment on animals, and the
answer is: "Because the animals are not like us."
Animal experimentation rests on a logical contradiction. ~Charles R. Magel

Do we have an ethical responsibility toward animals?

I really don’t know the answer to this question. I’m sure we might have some obligation to respect animals but it doesn’t seem like this is happening. We kill animals for food so we don’t go hungry. I was thinking yesterday about how many animals we must kill each day just to support our needs. Almost everything I eat can somehow be tied back to an animal. I think its easier to accept the fact that I’m not the one killing the animals. I just eat them which is fine with me because it tastes good. I think if I were to experience the whole process I would be sad and think twice before I stuck another piece of steak in my mouth. I respect animals and I think we might have an ethical responsibility toward animals but I’m really not sure. I hope to learn more this semester so I can answer this question with certainty.

Do animals have emotions? Give examples if possible.

Again, this is a really tough question. I don’t have enough background information to answer this at a high level. I’m not sure if all animals have emotions though. I kicked my cat down the stairs last night and she kept coming back. You would think she would have stopped but she didn’t. Animals don’t stay mad. Its hard to believe that animals could have emotions but then I don’t know a lot yet. My guy instinct tells me that they do have emotions, which is why we are covering this topic this semester. We will see how us humans are determining how the destiny of these animals. I really look forward to seeing some examples of how animals have emotions. I think it will be pretty interesting.

1 comment:

Mr. Loken said...

My cat keeps me up at night also. However, she is sitting here so peacefully on my lap just loving life. It's hard not to think that she has emotions. I liked your quote at the beginning.