Monday, March 10, 2008

Fast Food Nation

I thought that the movie Fast Food Nation was very interesting. It was a real wake up call for me. My whole life I grew up in the United States eating fast food. I never took into consideration that I could possibly be eating meat or all the animal cruelty that has gone into the production of our food. The main reason this video interested me is that in the US I butcher pigs with my family. Once a year we order around 15 pigs and shoot them one by one in the head. I always accepted it as normal and part of every day life. I actually helped slit the pigs’ throats so they would die sooner. I kind of just did it because its what I was told to do and because I wanted to eat pig meat. I honestly never thought about animal cruelty or how animals have emotions. Those pigs don’t want to die. Now that I recall, I can remember the pigs screaming for their life as blood gushed from their throats. I thought the movie was very informative in that it provided examples of how we are abusing animals. I don’t know if it will prevent me from eating fast food but it definitely made me think. I sincerely believe that if I were involved in the production process, I would be a vegetarian. I think its easier to be on the receiving end of the meat process because then you don’t really know what has been put into it. I’m thinking about reading the novel, Fast Food Nation. I heard its better than the movie and provides more examples. Overall I thought the video was good because it didn’t just talk about the fast food side of it. It included Mexicans jumping the border and it really portrayed reality. I will write a second blog entry in the future after I read the novel.

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