Sunday, March 16, 2008

Jane Goodall Connections

“There isn’t a sharp line dividing humans from the animal kingdom,”

This is the focal point of Jane Goodall’s Ted talk. Throughout most of her ted talk she is trying to bring the voice of the animal kingdom into affect. There isn’t a great distinction between the human race and that of other creatures on this planet. Human arrogance has led us to believe that humans are far greater and advanced than any other living animal on this earth. As Jane points out, this belief is false. Jane Goodall’s speech closely relates to the novel Ishmael. Ishmael expresses essentially the same concerns about the human race as Jane does. Both of which provide us with different viewpoints or perspectives on how humans inevitably supposed to go about living. Mutually, both Ishmael and Jane Goodall have are trying to address the fact that humans are not as dissimilar from other animals as we are told by Mother Culture. Chimpanzees are doing many things that would lead us to believe they are closely related to humans. Some of these marvelous creatures are so intelligent that they are capable of using a computer. These chimps are able to use sign language as a means of communication. One of the most astonishing things that helps me prove further that the line between humans and chimps is distinct is the fact that these chimps have been observed using grass to fish termites out of wood. They have even made their own tools by stripping the leaves off of a branch and later using it to fish out termites. This accomplishment would be considered a human characteristic yet these chimpanzees are capable of doing it. “ We must now redefine man. Redefine tool or accept chimpanzees as humans.” I think this quote is very powerful. It makes you realize that although we have been told different, chimps are more or less very similar to us in many regards. These chimps can kiss, hold hands and make movements similar if not identical to humans. These creatures are able to hunt just like human beings and they even share their pray. All of these things are thought to be human prerogatives in which only we humans are able to accomplish successfully. Both Ishmael and Jane Goodall are trying to raise awareness to the human culture. There are things that we don’t understand and these two are trying to help us understand these things. Ishmael talks about how any organism will automatically assume that it is the juggernaut and the world was made for them. Ishmael and Jane are very similar because they want to create awareness of the problems that we are facing but seem not to care about the after affects. We just take it all in as though its inevitable and destined to happen. These qualities that we assumed were strictly human characteristics are being observed in other species. I think the quote I used before demonstrates this whole idea very well. “ We must now redefine man. Redefine tool or accept chimps as humans.”

Another point that Jane Goodall focuses on is the way humans have carelessly destroyed our environment. She talks about her time in the deep deep tropical rain-forest of Ecuador which can only be reached by plane. She spends time with Indigenous people who are fighting every day to keep their forests. Every day they have to worry about Deforestation because these ignorant and selfish people want oil and wood. This made me think back to the part in Ishmael where he introduces Takers and Leavers. I think this is a perfect example of that. The takers would obviously be the people trying to destroy the forests of these Indigenous people. I don’t see why these people would have to come all the way into the “deep deep tropical rain-forest of Ecuador which can only be reached by plane.” These leavers, Indigenous people, are living reasonably good lives without the fear of the poisoned world. We humans(takers) are destroying this world slowly but surely. We are using up resources like we have an endless supply of them. If we keep on living as though this world was made for humans and only humans we will run into major problems down the road.

One thing Jane Goodall, Wade Davis, Ishmael, Phil Borges and E.O Wilson all have in common is the willingness to explore different ideas. Each one of these individuals are attempting to spread awareness in hopes of making the world a better place. Humans are destroying the world we live in and unless we start to realize that we are not alone on this journey we are doomed. More and more research is being done to prove that humans are not as separated from all other creatures on this earth. Chimpanzees seem to be closely related to us and the only thing that really differentiates the two of us is that we have a sophisticated spoken language. Although we have this language that is so powerful we tend to abuse it. We can use communication to get across just about anything we want. We have the internet, television, videos etc. So much can be done to save the world and I think that’s what each of these individuals is trying to accomplish. Inevitable we’re harming ourselves. The Roots and Shoots program Jane Goodall has started is only a start. The program is in place to give us each hope and to change peoples lives. Hope is in our hands It is up to us. We’re the ones that can make a difference. We can change the world.

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