Thursday, September 25, 2008

AP English: James Baldwin's intent for writing "Stranger in a Village."

James Baldwin, throughout the essay, expresses the anger or "rage" that he feels because of white supremacy. During this time period, in Switzerland, blacks were considering "exotic rarities", and when seen were treated as if they weren't human. Baldwin talks about how the children and sometimes even adults would touch his hair just because it was a different texture and wasn't seen everyday. I feel that Baldwin's intent for writing this essay is to express his feelings and beliefs about the way whites once treated blacks. In paragraph 25 of the essay Baldwin tells us that, "This worlds white no longer, and it will never be white again." Black men are no longer considered rarities and are finally accepted into society, as human beings. Baldwin talks about the rage he feels sometimes of the way he is treated.

"There is a dreadful abyss between the streets of this village and the streets of the city in which I was born, between the children who shout Neger! today and those who shouted Nigger! yesterday—the abyss is experience, the American experience." I feel this is a very important excerpt because It expresses the difference between the way blacks are treated in America verses, in this case, Switzerland. Baldwin's main intent is to express this difference and also talk about how blacks should be treated equally.

These are just a few of the main ideas that I got from reading this essay. I think I will try to read it again sometime this week to really capture the meaning of it. Wish I could have been in class to discuss Baldwin's intent, and what others took from the reading.

Western vs. Eastern medicine

Hello everybody! The question I am going to try to explore is, "How does Eastern medicine differ from that of Western medicine?" and "What specific role does Sports medicine play in our society, both locally and globally?" I am really interested in learning about the human body AND sports. What profession combines the two? A sports medicine doctor or Orthopedic surgeon.

I am privileged to have found a great internship opportunity in Taipei with a one of a kind Orthopedic surgeon who specialized in sports medicine. He seems pretty eager to get started and I know I can't wait.

As for how this internship will relate to my senior project, I'd like to compare the way the Western world conducts its medical routines with that of the Eastern world. Once I get my ideas organized I'd like to create a few guiding questions to help guide me along my journey. An example of a question I might ask could be, "Why is health care so expensive in the US, while we can get the same treatment for almost nothing here in Taiwan?"

I am also going to use this internship experience to learn more about myself. Is Sports medicine the field I want to be in? Do I really want to go to Medical school? Will I be happy with my job and at the same time make others happy?

While I am at my internship in Taipei I will be able to watch Dr. Wang ( I think thats his name...) perform medical techniques on his patients. (those with clothes anyway :P). If the doctor is busy I will have the opportunity to work closely with some of his assistants, who I hope speak English! I really look forward to starting my internship next week and will update you guys when I can!

If you're interested in checking out the website for where I will do my Internship, here it is:

Monday, September 15, 2008

HSIP Influence

I began reading this article without any prior expectations or thoughts. I don't know much about the Hsinchu Science Park because neither of my parents work there and I rarely get the opportunity to converse with employees of the Science Park. Another reason I might not know or hear much is because I am foreign and don't speak Chinese fluently. HSIP has to be a big deal. I mean, its considered the Silicon Valley of the east, which is pretty important. I'm curious to know whether or not HSIP gets mentioned on the news often or if things stay behind the scenes.

After reading this article a few things stuck with me. We were asked to pick a topic from the article that most impacts us (as an individual), and I'd have to say the thing that impacts me the most is the amount of pollution these companies are creating outside of the factories. I honestly don't know too much about the science park so there aren't too many things that could affect me personally, probably because I am just unaware. Everyday we must travel outside to get to where we have to be, whether its school, music lessons, downtown, etc. This means that we breath the air that is in the atmosphere at that given time.

After reading this article I finally realize that the air we breath isn't all that clean and fresh. There isn't much we, the people outside of the companies, can do to prevent this either. I mean we could petition and try to get the government to do something about the way these companies are running their businesses but that is hard to do. The government and managers of these companies are all about the money. They want to market their particular cause the best way possible, hoping to make themselves look good. What most people don't know, unless you've read this article, is that these companies are not as good as they may "seem". The 1997 fire at UMC is a great example. The article states that the community overheard that the fire chief purposely chose to deny any sort of toxic chemicals for the sake of looking good, and environmentally friendly. A week or so later the guy was in the hospital, because of those very fumes that he denied being present at UMC. Its amazing to see what lengths people will go just to try and look good. I guess I'm sort of straying from my main idea: what impact the environmental wastes and pollution have on me.

Almost every time I go downtown I have to look into the canal, which is full of filth, trash and who knows what else. I've never actually thought about WHY the canal looks the way it does. Could it be because of these big companies and corporations? I'm really not sure. The companies put far too many toxins and far too much waste into the atmosphere, which we happen to be surrounded by. I think this is one of the biggest problems we face today, Pollution, and its affects on the community. So many people get sick and are sent to the hospital because of this pollution, and who gets blamed? No one! Companies continue producing their products regardless of how much waste they emit and the number of people admitted to the hospital continues to grow. Until the government decides to do something about these problems, we will be breathing in insanitary air. This article really opened my eyes to what is happening around me. Since being in Taiwan I have lost touch with the news and media world, mainly because I cannot understand what is being said. This article, being that it is in english, was very beneficial and I hope we can continue to promote awareness on this very important issue!